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SCH Creator - Score Cards Printing

SCH Creator
Versione 2.1

Scaricato 7918 volte

Scarica Demo
(Dim. 5,75 Mb)

Compatibile con:

Se hai problemi ad installare il programma su Windows Vista, 7, 8 č necessario disabilitare il controllo account utente. Clicca qui per sapere come fare
Con Windows 8 o versione superiore, se in fase di installazione apparirā l'avviso PC protetto da Windows. E' necessario fare clic sulla scritta Ulteriori informazioni e successivamente sul pulsante Esegui comunque.

SCH Creator
Versione 2.5

Scaricato 6574 volte

Scarica Demo
(Dim. 6,3 Mb)

Compatibile con:

Se hai problemi ad installare il programma su Windows Vista, 7, 8 č necessario disabilitare il controllo account utente. Clicca qui per sapere come fare
Con Windows 8 o versione superiore, se in fase di installazione apparirā l'avviso PC protetto da Windows. E' necessario fare clic sulla scritta Ulteriori informazioni e successivamente sul pulsante Esegui comunque.

With a new functionality

SCH Creator
Versione 2.0

Scaricato 7227 volte

Scarica Demo
(Dim. 6,2 Mb)

Compatibile con:

Se hai problemi ad installare il programma su Windows Vista, 7, 8 č necessario disabilitare il controllo account utente. Clicca qui per sapere come fare
Con Windows 8 o versione superiore, se in fase di installazione apparirā l'avviso PC protetto da Windows. E' necessario fare clic sulla scritta Ulteriori informazioni e successivamente sul pulsante Esegui comunque.



Our softwares for the Score Cards Printing for the game of the tombola and the bingo are among the more sold in Italy and in the world thanks to the graphic beautiful and the manifold potentialities and functionality that the programs possess. Besides SCH Creator is the only software to the world that realizes Score Cards according to a our innovative algorithm (from the version 2.1) that it reduces to the least one the possibilities of double wins (very it also depends on the quantity of Score Cards produced in virtue of the calculation of probability) and it always uses every 6 Score Cards all the 90 numbers.
Score Cards are never created with more than 2 numbers placed side by side on consecutive columns. They theoretically allow finally (in how much they influence parameters what the time, the calculation of the probabilities, the speed hardware, etc.) the creation of a boundless quantity of Score Cards. In every case quantities peer also 100.000 Score Cards are elaborated in less than 10 minutes with a modern and fast PC.

The scorecards printing
software allows you to:

  • Print the game boards in 3 size and any character and sheet dimension.
  • Print several kinds of scorecards with several options.
  • Store set of scorecards that can be checked to control the wins.
  • Help on-line

  • At first time is required to set the several characteristics of the panels to apply
    Exceptional to print big numbers of random or personalized boards.
    The principal point of the software is the exceptional graphic routine which allows the operator in a very short time to establish the dimensions of the scorecards to print.
    More over it is possible to set the colour and choose among all kinds of available printers
    The software, in case of personalized boards printing.

    See online demo

    Italian version



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